Resilience and Redundancy

Resilient and redundant solutions to keep your IT working.

  • Has the Internet connection stopped working?
  • Payment systems or card machines not working?
  • Backup solutions?
  • Power Cuts?
  • Data Loss?

Whether you face these issues currently or not it’s a good idea to have things in place to prevent these issues from occurring in the future.

Fully Resilient Solutions

We offer fully resilient network solutions, this can be a re-configuration or upgrade of your existing networks or we can help with a new network implementation.

Every company should have redundancy built into their network design, often we see this is not the case, as a result businesses and their customers can suffer as a result.

Internet connection failed? Wouldn’t it be nice if it automatically switched, seamlessly to another connection?
We can make this happen.

We can help design your network so that if a device or connection fails another will automatically take over.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Devices

Do you have an Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)?

Power is important not only for your business to operate, but it is vital for your IT equipment. A power failure or spike in electricity can cost you many £1000s and important data.

Let us implement a Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) device linked to your systems and servers to keep things running, and at worst - shutdown safely with your data kept safe and secure.

Backup Solutions

We can set up and resolve issues with backup solutions for your business.

A backup solution is extremely important in situations such as cyber attacks, human error or equipment failures.


Interested? Contact Us